Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Importance of Pulmonary Function Tests on Time

pulmonary function test
Pulmonary Function Test

Pulmonary Function Tests

Pulmonary Hypertension is a problem related to the lungs affected by increased blood pressure in the lungs. This problem is generated from blockage blood flow or oxygen through the lungs. It is very important to know about its symptoms so that can be diagnosed and treated right on time. The most visible symptom of this problem is shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, fainting, blood coughing, and blue tine on skin, etc. Generally, these symptoms are generally revealed in a well-advanced stage; however, if you have swollen ankles you might need to worry about it. To be re-assured that you are not suffering Pulmonary Hypertension, you need to visit a diagnosing centre for advanced pulmonary function tests. In case, you are diagnosed with this problem, you need to make routine visits to the cardiologist and PPH specialist.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Star Imaging Health Check up Delhi

annual health checkup
Full Health Checkups@starimaging

Having a great health is an asset in the present time, to ensure that your asset is in a great condition, you should be regular to health checkup and diagnosis. This helps in keeping you informed about your health time to time. Good health inside has a significant role to play whether it is a job or marriage. In both conditions, people demand certification of your good health. Likewise, in every stage of your life you need a health certification so that you can dodge the problem before its occurrence. Seeing the chronics and diseases infliction propensity, Star Imaging – dignified path lab and diagnostic center in Delhi – offers complete and affordable health check up packages for the benefit of the patients. They have various health plans to diagnose each part of a human body.